Levity Brewing Company is partnering with the Blairsville Underground Railroad History Center to shine a light on the extraordinary people and rich history of Indiana County within the broader Underground Railroad story.
We are brewing and canning a special mixed 4-pack, highlighting four individuals who make up our local UGRR history. Scroll down to read a short snippet of each of their stories. Follow the link to the Blairsville Underground Railroad History Center’s website to read more about these extraordinary conductors and freedom seekers.
Freedom Seeker Series Release Event
Saturday, June 26 in the Levity Brewing Co Loft
The Director of the Blairsville Underground Railroad History Center will be hosting a special event to showcase the stories of the UGRR in Indiana County. All are welcome!
Anthony Hollingsworth
In 1845, Anthony Hollingsworth and his two companions escaped their enslavement in Hardy County, Virginia, traveling over 160 miles to Indiana County. While staying with the Simpsons near Homer City, Anthony was kidnapped by slave catchers Cunningham and Tilden, agents of Van Meter, his enslaver. He was taken to the Indiana Hotel to await transport back to slavery. A mob of Indiana citizens had a different idea. They surrounded the hotel to rescue Hollingsworth. The mob was stopped, and legal actions were taken the following day. Judge Thomas White ruled against the slave catchers who were then sent packing. Hollingsworth was eventually forced to flee Indiana County for the safety of Canada.
Lewis Johnston
Born into enslavement in Derry Township, Westmoreland County, Lewis Johnston gained his freedom at the age of 23, moving to Blairsville and operating an Underground Railroad site in his home on West Campbell Street. Johnston was known to transport Freedom Seekers in his wagon as he hauled iron blooms over Chestnut Ridge from all parts East. In 1858, Johnston was among a group of Blairsville men who stopped the abduction of Richard Newman, a former enslaved man living in town. Johnston and his fellow conductor John Graff rescued Newman and sent him North to safety along the Underground Railroad.
John Parker & Catherine Black
John Parker and Catherine Black were brave freedom seekers from Virginia. While harvesting corn in a field at the edge of deep woods, John took to the woods to escape. A slave patroller and his bloodhound pursued him, but he was able to kill the hound and maim the slaver with his corn cutter. Parker slept in trees and dressed as a woman as he made his way to Morgantown to rescue his love, Catherine. John and Catherine followed a crude map to New Florence, PA where they were hidden by the Colemans, African American conductors near Ross Furnace. They were sent on to Col. Mathiot, UGRR conductor and owner of Ross Furnace who had them married and found them work. They remained free in Indiana County for the rest of their lives.
George Atcheson
George Atcheson was a burly Irishman who lived near Cherry Tree, PA. He was a lumberman, pastor, and UGRR conductor. Atcheson was so devoted to the cause that he had his home constructed with a secret safe room for freedom seekers.
Late one evening after safely conveying a group of freedom seekers through Clearfield County, he learned of a group of slave catchers hot on their trail. He leaped to action, with 2 loaves of bread under each arm and without his pants, to retrieve them from the safe house and move them on to New York. He was proud that he had never lost a passenger on the Underground Railroad.
more about the UGRR History Center
The Blairsville Area Underground Railroad History Center is dedicated to the brave men, women, and children who used this network to freedom.
They are a 100% volunteer-based organization. Visits to the museum are by appointment. Please call 24-48 hours in advance of your visit so that they may secure a volunteer docent.
14 South East Lane
Blairsville, PA 15717